Thursday, November 15, 2007

Digital Photography - Tips for taking Fun family photos

If answer to any of the following questions is true, this ebook is for u: 1) Your photographs are never as good as you would have want to ? 2) You never get to use all/most of the features of your camera ? 3) You wish you knew a bit more about Digital Photography ? Summary: Producing sharp, uncluttered, well-composed, and flattering portraits is not as hard as you think. It is just like learning how to drive a car. At first, you may be clueless with the controls and how they work together. But eventually, you get to understand how the controls operate and become confident enough to take charge of the steering wheel. You use the pedals, mirrors, and signals without needing to think as you did in the early days. Similarly, in photography, you just need to learn the basics and take time to practice until you can gauge what will make a good picture.


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