Monday, February 18, 2008

Photoshop CS3 Workflow: The Digital Photographer’s Guide - T


Set up an effective workflow and set your imagination free!

If you're like most artists, the idea of structuring your work may seem at odds with true creativity, but you'll be surprised to learn from digital imaging expert Tim Grey that just the opposite is true. This latest edition of his bestselling guide to Photoshop shows you how proper workflow can free you from the repetitive parts of a project and let you focus on your vision. Discover techniques that streamline processes, reduce your time and effort, and produce striking results.

Explore the new Photoshop CS3 interface and updates.
Download, sort, and organize digital images for top efficiency.
Process RAW captures to retain maximum detail.
Crop, rotate, repair, and adjust tone and color in your images.
Harness new Clone, Curves, and blend mode features.
Get creative with colorization, filters, and more.
Automate tasks and optimize your output.
Adjust images with the revamped and easier-to-use Curves tool.
Produce more dramatic black-and-white images with a new adjustment layer.
Apply creative effects to your images.


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