Book Description
* Get ready for some down-and-dirty hackin'! Over 200 serious hacks readers can use to force Windows XP to do it their way, written in the ExtremeTech no-holds-barred style
* Sinchak doesn't waste time tweaking Movie Maker or Instant Messenger-these hacks are heavy-duty, detailed instructions for squeezing every drop of power from Windows XP and maximizing speed, appearance, and security
* Not for the faint of heart! This book is written for users who aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves, risk voiding their warranties, take total control of the task bar, uninstall programs that are supposedly permanent, and beef up boot speed
* Mines gems like unlocking hidden settings, customizing boot screens, supercharging online and program launch speed, maximizing the file system and RAM, and dumping hated features for good
* Written by the creator of, a site considered Mecca for Windows hackers and trusted by more than ten million Windows XP users worldwide
* Includes a hacker's dream CD-ROM with a set of ready-to-install hacks, theme creation tools, custom boot screens, "undo" files that help the reader tinker with Windows XP's registry, and a whole lot more
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Windows XP Hacks & Mods For Dummies

Book Description
Ever feel as though Windows XP was running YOU, instead of the other way around? Maybe it's time to show Windows who's boss. Make it run YOUR way. Get rid of the stuff that doesn't help you do what you want to do. Soup up security so you're better protected against spyware and other nasties. Find things faster with more efficient searches. Woody Leonhard shows you exactly how to do it in Windows XP Hacks & Mods For Dummies.
Don't let the word "hack" intimidate you. Woody walks you through every suggested adjustment step by step. He even provides plenty of explanation about what's involved and what tools you need. Windows XP Hacks & Mods For Dummies even gives you a convenient list of common hacks you should avoid because they don’t accomplish much. You'll discover how to:
* Eliminate the annoying features that came pre-installed on your PC
* Speed up your system performance
* Pin programs, folders, files, and Web pages so they appear on your Start menu
* Launch applications more quickly
* Boost the performance of your favorite games
* Get the most from your iPod and Windows Media Player
* Navigate peer-to-peer file sharing safely
* Find free virus protection
In the fun and friendly Dummies style, Woody Leonhard gives you tons of helpful advice to make your relationship with Windows XP a lot more rewarding.
From the Back Cover
Make Windows XP look, feel, and act the way you want
Simplify searches, find free virus protection, and make Windows love your iPod®
Hacks? Mods? Don't be frightened — this book walks you through each and every one, and even steers you clear of well-known hacks that don't really accomplish anything. See how some simple tools can help you take control and create settings you can actually use, shortcuts that simplify your life, security measures that really work, and lots more.
Discover how to
* Remove features you never use
* Speed up system performance
* Launch applications more quickly
* Fight spyware more effectively
* Get peak performance from your XP games
Microsoft Windows XP Registry Guide

Publisher : Microsoft Press
Author(s) : Jerry Honeycutt
ISBN : 0735617880
Page : 440
Category : Windows XP
Tags : Registry, windows xp, windows xp registry,
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Alan Simpson's Windows XP Bible (Bible)

Comprehensive in its treatment of Microsoft's latest and greatest operating system for the masses, Alan Simpson's Windows XP Bible has an answer to most "How do I..." questions that are likely to arise in the minds of Windows XP users, particularly those who aren't too familiar with recent versions of Windows. If you're going to buy a Windows XP reference book for your office, this would be a good choice. The author--the respected Alan Simpson, who's put out similarly comprehensive books before--must have incredible patience, because he manages to document almost every Windows procedure down to the last option and the final "OK" click. Most people won't need this level of handholding--almost everyone has gained knowledge of the basic Windows conventions by now--and perhaps this book could have been more compact (as it is, it's pretty hefty) or contained more obscure details without it. But don't accuse Simpson of neglecting details.
No one will read this book front to back. Most visits will begin with the table of contents (which is very detailed) or the index (which is even more so). A page-flip or two later, readers will have explanatory prose (which is clear and detailed, and almost always strictly businesslike without being off-putting) and a procedure or two with numbered steps. The procedures have a particularly good design when it comes to options--it's clear what happens if you make different choices in dialog boxes. Again, coverage is absolutely comprehensive, with detailed explanations and procedures extending even to Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) and the new Internet Connection Firewall (ICF). --David Wall
Topics covered: Microsoft Windows XP (Professional Edition and Home Edition) for beginning and intermediate-level users of the operating system, with a few bones thrown in for more advanced users. Internet connectivity (standalone and shared), file management, administrative duties such as backing up files and uninstalling programs, local-area networks (LANs), and all other user-level aspects of Windows XP are covered. Chapters on portable computer issues and security are particularly nice.
Mastering Windows XP Registry

Expert Advice for Windows XP Power Users
Created for Windows power users and anyone who aspires to be one, Mastering Windows XP Registry provides focused, practical coverage of Windows' most important--and most challenging--element: the registry. Inside, you'll learn to customize Windows XP, optimize the network, and avoid scores of potential disasters, all by working with registry settings. If you're a power user, a system administrator, programmer, or consultant, this guide is absolutely essential.
Coverage includes:
* Understanding registry keys and data types
* Applying the secrets of the most important registry keys
* Adjusting the Windows GUI through registry settings
* Using the registry in networking
* Optimizing performance by editing registry settings
* Working with registry tools
* Recovering from disasters
* Eliminating unwanted keys, entries, applications, and files
* Taking advantage of the registry in your own programs
* Tracking registry changes made by applications
* Navigating registry entries
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