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Missing Administrator Account.txt 0.52 kB
Mobile Secret Codes.txt 31.09 kB
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More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/C101-90.001 32.32 kB
More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/C101-90.002 30.93 kB
More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/C101-90.003 14.75 kB
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More Hacking/A *****ing Tutorial/ED!SON.NFO 1.58 kB
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More Hacking/A Guide to the Easiest Hacking there is.txt 4.58 kB
More Hacking/A List Of Some OF The Most Useful UNIX Hacking Commands.htm 23.03 kB
More Hacking/A Small Guide to Hacking HOTMAIL.txt 3.02 kB
More Hacking/A UNIX Hacking Tutorial.txt 82.20 kB
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More Hacking/An Indepth Guide in Hacking UNIX and the concept of Basic Net.txt 40.84 kB
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More Hacking/An Introduction to the Computer Underground.txt 17.03 kB
More Hacking/Basic Networking.txt 14.04 kB
More Hacking/BBS Crashing Techniques.txt 3.72 kB
More Hacking/BRUTE- A brute force approach to hacking Unix passwords.txt 3.31 kB
More Hacking/Closing the Net.txt 30.69 kB
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More Hacking/Computer Bulliten Boards and the Law.txt 56.06 kB
More Hacking/Computer Chrime - Current Practices, Problems and Proposed So.txt 96.53 kB
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More Hacking/Computer Rights vs First and Forth Amentment Right.txt 44.24 kB
More Hacking/Computer Security.txt 63.52 kB
More Hacking/Computer Security_2.txt 51.94 kB
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More Hacking/COPS and Robbers-Unix System Security.txt 35.18 kB
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More Hacking/Government Computer Security Techniques.txt 7.88 kB
More Hacking/HACKDICT.TXT 272.00 kB
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More Hacking/Hacking Techniques.txt 8.52 kB
More Hacking/Hacking TRW.txt 2.58 kB
More Hacking/Hacking TYMNET.txt 5.79 kB
More Hacking/Hacking Unix System V's.txt 10.93 kB
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More Hacking/Hacking Webpages.txt 3.90 kB
More Hacking/How the Traditional Media Clasifications Fail to Protect in t.txt 40.50 kB
More Hacking/How to crash AOL.txt 4.75 kB
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More Hacking/How to get a Shell in 24 hours.txt 7.98 kB
More Hacking/How to Hack UNIX System V.txt 10.93 kB
More Hacking/How to login to a C.B.I. System.txt 3.00 kB
More Hacking/How to send ICQ Bombs.txt 2.33 kB
More Hacking/Information of Hacking AngelFire Websites.txt 3.21 kB
More Hacking/Introduction to Denail of Service.txt 44.78 kB
More Hacking/IP addressing, and gaining IP's.txt 13.70 kB
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More Hacking/LENROS~2.TXT 7.41 kB
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More Hacking/NY_2'S Guide to Obtaining An IP Address. .doc 10.50 kB
More Hacking/Organizational Analysis in Computer Science.txt 65.00 kB
More Hacking/PGP Startup Guide.htm 26.00 kB
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More Hacking/SJ-DEC~1.TXT 45.03 kB
More Hacking/SJ-RESP.TXT 69.59 kB
More Hacking/SMTP-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.txt 117.61 kB
More Hacking/Summary of FBI Computer Systems.txt 5.07 kB
More Hacking/SUNDEVIL.TXT 100.17 kB
More Hacking/SUPREM~1.TXT 56.70 kB
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More Hacking/Telenet-The Secret Exposed.txt 9.91 kB
More Hacking/The Basics of Hacking- Introduction.txt 24.82 kB
More Hacking/The Baudy World of the Byte Bandit-A Postmodernist Interpreta.txt 85.17 kB
More Hacking/The Constitution in Cyberspace.txt 46.60 kB
More Hacking/The *****ing Manual.txt 86.38 kB
More Hacking/The Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 - A Laymans .txt 10.04 kB
More Hacking/The Greatest Hacker of all time.ASC 25.02 kB
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More Hacking/The Inner Circle Book's Hacking Techniques.txt 1.96 kB
More Hacking/The Lamahs-Guide to Pirating Software on the Internet.txt 12.21 kB
More Hacking/The M.M.C. Guide to Hacking, Phreaking, Carding.txt 19.11 kB
More Hacking/The National Information Infrastructure-Agenda for Action.txt 96.49 kB
More Hacking/The Newbies Handbook- ' How to beging in the World of Hacking.txt 43.83 kB
More Hacking/The Newbies-User's Guide to Hacking.txt 47.35 kB
More Hacking/The Pre-History of Cyberspace.txt 60.25 kB
More Hacking/The Price of Copyright Violation.txt 73.11 kB
More Hacking/The REAL way to hack RemoteAccess.txt 12.12 kB
More Hacking/The Secret Service, UUCP,and The Legion of Doom.txt 19.63 kB
More Hacking/the UNIX operating system (Berkley 4.2).txt 13.55 kB
More Hacking/Theft of Computer Software-A National Security Threat.txt 12.22 kB
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More Hacking/What To Look For In A Code Hacking Program.txt 5.46 kB
More Hacking/What You Should Know About Computer Viruses.DNA 16.91 kB
More Xp Tips and tricks make your computer more faster.txt 46.14 kB
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My Flash Bookmarks, long list of tutorials.txt 2.98 kB
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New Hacking Ebooks/A Novice's Guide To Hacking.txt 8.58 kB
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Outpost Rules, Outpost rules for system & app.txt 7.32 kB
Outsmarting System File Protection.txt 5.37 kB
Overclocking_Tutorial.txt 7.67 kB
Packet Attacks - Version 1.1, { Packet_Attack_Exlained}.txt 25.94 kB
Part 0 Dc++.txt 4.11 kB
Part 1 Bittorrents.txt 4.19 kB
Part 2 Irc (mirc).txt 4.91 kB
Part 3 Ftp.txt 2.71 kB
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Phreaking/An Introductory Guide To TeleNet Commands.txt 2.20 kB
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Phreaking/Bell Hell Volume #2.txt 15.92 kB
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Phreaking/Drake's Phreaking Tutorial.txt 3.34 kB
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Phreaking/How BT phone cards works.txt 4.18 kB
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Phreaking/How to Bill All Of your Fone Calls To Some Poor, Unsuspecting.txt 11.38 kB
Phreaking/How to make a Free Phone Call.txt 2.16 kB
Phreaking/How to Put an End to Unwanted or Harassing Phone Calls.HAR 12.10 kB
Phreaking/Phone Systems Tutorial by The Jolly Roger.txt 8.68 kB
Phreaking/Phreakers Handbook.txt 9.83 kB
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Phreaking/The ABC's of Payphones part 1.txt 2.58 kB
Phreaking/The ABC's of Payphones part 2.txt 2.12 kB
Phreaking/The ABC's of Payphones part 3.txt 2.21 kB
Phreaking/The ABC's of Payphones part 4.txt 2.64 kB
Phreaking/ThE Beige BoX .txt 6.23 kB
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Phreaking/The Moterola Bible.txt 116.99 kB
Phreaking/The Myth of the 2600Hz Detector .txt 6.55 kB
Phreaking/The Official Phreaker's Manual.txt 499.25 kB
Phreaking/The Phreakers Handbook-1.txt 62.87 kB
Phreaking/The Telephone Works.txt 9.25 kB
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Phreaking/Understanding the Telephone System.txt 16.34 kB
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Play On A Bnet Emulator, and f off cd key check =).txt 1.81 kB
Port Numbers.txt 40.19 kB
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Recover a Quick erased CD RW.txt 3.89 kB
Reformat&Reinstall.txt 2.58 kB
Regedit.exe & Regedt32.exe, Whats the difference.txt 2.87 kB
Registry Disassembled a basic tutorial.txt 7.10 kB
Reinstall Internet Explorer 6.txt 1.13 kB
Release Codes, Read, and Learn....txt 2.29 kB
Remote Desktop Through Company Firewall.txt 2.59 kB
Remote Shutdown.txt 1.22 kB
Remove Linux From Your Pc Safely, ...and restoring your MBR.txt 1.66 kB
Remove Msn Messenger From Xp, several ways...txt 4.99 kB
Removing Banners From Free Webhosts.txt 2.69 kB
Removing Norton Anti-virus 2004, How to remove the Registry Enteries.txt 0.97 kB
Rename 'recycle Bin' To Whatever You Want.txt 0.66 kB
Reregister All .dll Files Within Registry.txt 1.54 kB
Reset your lost Bios Password.txt 4.24 kB
Restore JPG,JPEG,JPE Default File associations, Win XP Tweak.txt 1.28 kB
Run Aol Without Using Aol Browser & Save Resources, connect permanently and use any browser.txt 0.44 kB
Running A Board forum From Your Own Pc.txt 2.32 kB
Running Vanishing Console Programs With A Click!, Ever had a console program that vanis....txt 1.13 kB
Safely Editing the Registry....txt 1.86 kB
Save Your Desktop Icon Settings.txt 2.18 kB
Saving and loading Photoshop actions.txt 1.79 kB
Scheduled Tasks - Defrag, how to set up scheduled defrags.txt 1.92 kB
ScreenLock Professional v2.0.41.txt 0.04 kB
Search For Ebook Server With 0.35 kB
Search like a real warez d00dz, for warez of course!.txt 0.57 kB
Searching For Something To Download, This may help.txt 0.34 kB
Secret Backdoor To Many Websites.txt 2.09 kB
Secrets Of Lock Picking.txt 53.74 kB
Securing WinXP Pro (with what win-xp has to offer.txt 9.60 kB
Securing your WINDOWS XP computer.txt 1.19 kB
Set Google as your Default Search in IE.txt 0.55 kB
Set Win Explorer to open the folder you want!, Little trick.txt 0.23 kB
sick of inserting winxp cd every time your pc asks, Change Default Location of i386 Folder.txt 3.21 kB
sidebar fix.txt 0.57 kB
Simple Tweaks For Peak Pc Graphics Performance.txt 10.16 kB
Single Click Shutdown.txt 2.82 kB
Single-click To Open An Item..., IF the Folder Options is grayed out.txt 1.19 kB
Slow Loggon Time, one fix for problem.txt 0.96 kB
Slow Opening Of File Dialogs.txt 1.10 kB
Some Cool Site For Tutorials.txt 0.41 kB
Some Google Tricks, again.txt 1.74 kB
Some More Tips To Improve Your Winxp.txt 24.09 kB
Sp2 For Xp Slipstream, Integrate SP2 into your XP CD.txt 10.71 kB
Sp2 Tweaks.txt 3.44 kB
Speed Up Internet.txt 4.46 kB
Speed up menu display.txt 0.54 kB
Speed up Mozilla FireFox.txt 0.45 kB
Speed Up Your Bandwidth By 20% !, Windows uses 20% of your bandwidth.txt 1.02 kB
Speeding up menus in XP.txt 0.27 kB
Speeding up your internet connection under Linux and Windows.html 11.75 kB
Spoofing emails, via telenet.txt 0.41 kB
Standard ASCII Character Set.txt 1.79 kB
Steps to Clean Install XP.txt 8.23 kB
Stop A Restart Process In 3steps.txt 0.29 kB
Stop Annoying Pop-ups Without Pop-up Blockersoutli.txt 1.23 kB
System Changes To Foil Hackers And Browser Hijacke.txt 7.65 kB
System File Checker For Windows Xp.txt 2.26 kB
Tcpip A Mammoth Description, Short and easy-Everything U want to know.txt 50.96 kB
Testing Wattage Consumption Of Your Computer, Measuring your computer's wattage.txt 9.33 kB
The Antivirus Defense-in-Depth Guide.txt 2.77 kB
The difference between DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW and DVD-RW.txt 3.69 kB
The Modern Phreakers Guide To Beige Boxing.txt 4.32 kB
The Modern Phreakers Guide To Payphones.txt 6.98 kB
The Port Guide, Port number and info.txt 24.64 kB
The Ultimate Guide To Installing Windows Xp Sp2.txt 3.14 kB
Three Ways Of Bypass Starforce Cd Protection.txt 2.48 kB
Tip for shutdown windows - virus.txt 0.39 kB
Tips And Tricks, Windows XP.txt 41.24 kB
Tired Of Reinstalling Windows.txt 2.31 kB
To Get And Show The Ip Via Javascript.txt 0.62 kB
Top 5 Myths About Safe Surfing, PC Magazine.txt 3.36 kB
Transferring Data.txt 6.45 kB
Translating Binary To Text.txt 6.22 kB
Translating Binary to Text2.txt 5.72 kB
Trojan Ports.txt 13.83 kB
Turn MSN Messenger Display Pix into User Pix on XP.txt 2.50 kB
Turn Off Unneeded Services, speed up pc.txt 1.56 kB
Tutorial Get the serial number you need.txt 0.88 kB
Tutorial How to create a bootable Windows XP SP1 CD (Nero).txt 2.17 kB
Tutorials - Number Systems.html 7.78 kB
Tutorials - C Socket Programming In Unix For Newbies.txt 21.50 kB
Tutorials - of am 3mp33j3w.txt 18.64 kB
Tutorials - File Programming.txt 41.70 kB
Tutorials - LOGIC GATES.html 14.04 kB
Tutorials - Tutorial By Clayman.html 23.77 kB
Tutorials - A Simple Hit Counter In PHP.html 8.77 kB
Tutorials - A Simple Search Engine In PHP.html 9.62 kB
Where Is Winipcfg In Winxp.txt 0.62 kB
Who's Seeding The Net With Spyware.txt 5.33 kB
Why wait 35 Seconds at eZshare.txt 1.55 kB
Win 2000 Dr. Watsson.txt 0.23 kB
Windows 2000 Tips & Tricks.txt 4.58 kB
Windows 2003 System Restore, How to activate system restore in W2K3.txt 5.47 kB
Windows Scan Count Down Time.txt 0.54 kB
Windows Shortcuts.txt 12.84 kB
Windows Tweak, Hack Your Start Button.txt 3.25 kB
Windows Xp - Speed Up Your Network and Internet Access.txt 2.70 kB
Windows XP Registry Tweaks.txt 34.05 kB
Windows XP Startup and Performance Tweaks.txt 1.76 kB
Windows Xp Tips 'n' Tricks.txt 28.51 kB
Windows Xp Tweaks, A work in progress.txt 2.98 kB
Windows XP Tweaks.txt 2.37 kB
WinRar Tutorial - Compression profiles, passwords and more.txt 5.78 kB
Winsock 2 Repair.txt 2.10 kB
WinXP 3 Tips.txt 1.87 kB
Winxp Application Defrag, faster access for used programs.txt 0.30 kB
Winxp Applications Startup Time, Decrease your Applications startup time.txt 1.16 kB
WinXP Bootable CD.txt 2.19 kB
Winxp System Response, reboot whitout rebooting.txt 0.61 kB
Winxp Tips And Tricks, Winsock 2 repair.txt 2.19 kB
Xp Auto Install.txt 1.79 kB
Xp Folder View Does Not Stay To You're Setting., Grab your registry editor and join in.txt 1.87 kB
XP Tweaking.txt 15.75 kB
Yahoo + geocities Posts.txt 3.07 kB
Yahoo Messeger, no ad's.txt 0.83 kB
You Want Lots Of Music, Appz, Anything, Try Dex Hunting.txt 1.47 kB
Your Home Page Nevr Being Changed.txt 0.50 kB
Your Own Home Server - Introduction.txt 11.25 kB
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
1000 Hacking Tutorials
Posted by
8/26/2008 07:40:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Monday, August 25, 2008 - After Effects CS3: Animating Characters - After Effects CS3: Animating Characters | 364.2 MB
After Effects CS3: Animating Characters
with: George Maestri
Duration : 4.25 hours
Filmmakers of all kinds are exploring new digital tools for creating animated content. After Effects CS3: Animating Characters follows the creation of a short animated film, from storyboard through final output, using After Effects CS3. George Maestri uses a one-minute monster movie to showcase the new Puppet tool, along with many other techniques for animating characters in After Effects. He covers lip syncing, creating segmented characters with movable joints, and employing special effects. George demonstrates in detail how to create individual scenes and shots, and offers insight into how to pull the pieces together to form a cohesive production. Familiarity with After Effects is recommended.
Posted by
8/25/2008 06:17:00 AM
Labels: Modeling and Animation
Exam-Pack 70-620: Configuring Microsoft Windows Vista
"I hated Vista until I went through James' training, now I look at it with a new set of eyes." - CBT Nuggets CEO and Founder Dan Charbonneau
This training allows Vista to become the great OS for you that it can be. Vista has tremendous potential, but unfortunately, the learning curve has been a little too steep for users to pickup on their own. Now you can learn to configure Windows Vista computers for maximum performance -- and at the same time prepare for certification as a Technology Specialist on Microsoft Windows Vista.
Exam-Pack 70-620: Configuring Microsoft Windows Vista contains:
- Configuring Windows Vista Series Introduction (free video!)
- Installation: Hardware Requirements, Editions
- Windows Vista Installation and Clean Install
- Windows Vista Upgrade
- Windows Vista Migration and Windows Easy Transfer
- Anytime Upgrade, Troubleshooting Installation
- Install and Configure Drivers
- Troubleshooting Post-Installation Configuration Issues, Windows Aero
- Configuring Internet Explorer, Configure and Troubleshoot Parental Controls (free video!)
- Security: Configure and Troubleshoot User Account Control
- Security: Windows Defender
- Dynamic Security for IE7
- Security: Configure Security Settings in Windows Firewall
- Configuring Networking by Using the Network and Sharing Center
- Sharing Resources and Securing Wireless Access Points
- Remote Access: Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop
- Network Troubleshooting
- Configure Windows Mail
- Configure Windows Calendar, Meeting Space
- Configure Windows Sidebar, Media Applications
- Optimizing Windows Vista
- Reliability Tools
- Data Protection and Windows Update
More details:
Posted by
8/25/2008 06:16:00 AM
Labels: IT Certification
Professional CSS: Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design (Wrox Professional Guides) [2nd Edition]
Focusing on the best-practices aspect of web development, this full-color book is revised to reflect the changes to cascading style sheets (CSS) development procedures since the first edition was published. Featuring examples from real-world web sites, each chapter provides easily digestible CSS tips and techniques that were used for a specific site. The chapters document the designer’s process from start to finish and provide insight as to how the designers overcame each site’s unique set of challenges as well as ways they would have done things differently.
Offering a hands-on look into designing standards-based, large-scale, professional-level CSS web sites, this unique book presents understandable solutions to common problems and offers an intelligible approach to effectively developing CSS-enabled designs at a professional level.
Posted by
8/25/2008 06:13:00 AM
Labels: Web Development
Programming Visual Basic 2008: Build .NET 3.5 Applications with Microsoft’s RAD Tool for Business
Ever since Visual Basic was merged into .NET, it’s become the core language for creating business applications with Windows. The latest version, VB 2008, is even more useful — and provides even more incentive for migrating from VB 6. All it lacks is a good book on how to harness its power. Programming Visual Basic 2008 fills the void. Written in a lively and engaging style by a developer who’s grown up with Visual Basic, including both VB 6 and VB .NET, this hands-on guide addresses the core topics of the new VB, from basic to complex, with plenty of code examples. Programming Visual Basic 2008 also examines .NET programming from the application level with a chapter-by-chapter plan for developing, documenting, and deploying a full data-driven application. You learn, step-by-step, how to build and deploy a library management system, complete with patron, inventory, and barcode support. The book’s broad range of topics include: VB language and its syntax An overview of the .NET Framework Object-oriented development in VB and .NET Generic objects, collections, and nullable types Design and management of software projectsWindows Formsinterface designsource code Encryption and authentication in .NET Interacting with data stored in files and directories Web development using ASP.NET Deploying an application to a user’s workstation And much more Programming Visual Basic 2008 is ideal for VB 6 programmers who are ready to move to .NET, as well as VB.NET programmers who wish to improve their project-focusedsoftware development skills. Programming novices and developers coming from other languages will find the book valuable because of its language instruction and project design knowledge. Once you finish the book, you will have a firm grasp of VB 2008’s core concepts and language elements, and understand how to build VB projects as they were intended — as complete, cohesive solutions. with ADO.NET The new LINQ feature, and how to use it within VB and .NET Embedding XML within application Database design with SQL Server 2008 Database Integrating desktop features with
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8/25/2008 06:12:00 AM
Labels: Web Development
Making Use of JSP
JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a multipurpose language based on Java technology that provides a simplified, fast way to create dynamic Web content. JSP is specific to Web page creation and rendering, and is a key Web technology for developers and administrators working with Java.
Explains how JSP can be used to simplify tasks, shorten the development cycle, and integrate Web content with other elements of J2EE
Shows how JSP enables Web designers and other nonprogrammers to quickly gain essential abilities for the creation of dynamic Web pages
Posted by
8/25/2008 06:11:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking, Web Development
Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet And Erp on Accounting
Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet and ERP on Accounting provides a foundation in digital accounting by covering fundamental topics such as accounting software, XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language), and EDI. The effects of the Internet and ERP on accounting are classified and presented for each accounting cycle, along with a comprehensive discussion of online controls. Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet and ERP on Accounting provides a conceptual approach to handling the latest developments at the intersection of the accounting and IT fields.
Posted by
8/25/2008 06:09:00 AM
Labels: Accounting
Illustrator CS3 for the Web
It might seem counterintuitive to consider using Illustrator, the preeminent vector-based print design tool, for creating pixel-based graphics, but that’s exactly what Mordy Golding does in Illustrator CS3 for the Web. He focuses on Illustrator’s strengths alongside other tools in the web design workflow, exploring unique features such as object-based editing, and the ease of repurposing art for print and Flash use. This course requires familiarity with Illustrator CS3, and while it provides an introduction to Flash integration, the focus is on effectively turning vectors
Topics Include: into pixels, whether for the web, mobile devices, or video. Exercise files accompany the course.
Managing anti-aliasing and color
Working with the layout grid, text, and reflections
Slicing images and defining image maps
Optimizing graphics for the web and devices
Creating simple animations and exporting to SWF
Moving content to Photoshop, Acrobat, Flash, and Dreamweaver
Posted by
8/25/2008 06:06:00 AM
Labels: Graphic Design, Web Development
Digital Signal Processing System Design, Second Edition: LabVIEW-Based Hybrid Programming
Reflecting LabViews new MathScripting feature, the new edition of this book combines textual and graphical programming to form a hybrid programming approach, enabling a more effective means of building and analyzing DSP systems. The hybrid programming approach allows the use of previously developed textual programming solutions to be integrated into LabVIEWs highly interactive and visual environment, providing an easier and quicker method for building DSP systems.
* The only DSP laboratory book that combines both textual and graphical programming
* 12 lab experiments that incorporate C/MATLAB code blocks into the LabVIEW graphical programming environment via the new MathScripting feature.
* Lab experiments covering basic DSP implementation topics including sampling, digital filtering, fixed-point data representation, frequency domain processing.
* Interesting applications using the hybrid programming approach, such as a keypad phone system, a software-defined radio system, and a cochlear implant simulator system
* A CD-ROM providing all the lab codes
This book is an ideal introduction for engineers and students seeking to develop DSP systems in quick time.
* The only DSP project book that combines textual and graphical programming
* 12 Lab projects that incorporate MATLAB code blocks into the LabVIEW graphical programming environment via the MathScripting feature.
* Interesting applications such as the design of a cochlear implant simulator and a software-defined radio system.
Posted by
8/25/2008 06:02:00 AM
Labels: System
Advanced Maya Texturing and Lighting
Written by an industry veteran who has used Maya in such films as Mortal Kombat and Shrek, this full-color book offers advanced, professional-level techniques for texturing and lighting for rendering 3D models in Maya
Begins with an introduction of various lighting concepts, then offers readers detailed explanations of Maya’s numerous hidden features so they can achieve amazing results quickly
Features an unparalleled exploration of Maya’s Hypershade, where animators create connections between shaders, texture maps, lights, cameras, and geometry
Provides a thorough look at rendering in Maya, including everything from batch rendering to global illumination workflow and HDRI techniques
The CD-ROM includes the Maya Personal Learning Edition, textures, tools, professional shaders, and more
Posted by
8/25/2008 06:02:00 AM
Labels: Modeling and Animation
Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet
Scholars in all fields now have access to an unprecedented wealth of online information, tools, and services. The Internet lies at the core of an information infrastructure for distributed, data-intensive, and collaborative research. Although much attention has been paid to the new technologies making this possible, from digitized books to sensor networks, it is the underlying social and policy changes that will have the most lasting effect on the scholarly enterprise. In Scholarship in the Digital Age, Christine Borgman explores the technical, social, legal, and economic aspects of the kind of infrastructure that we should be building for scholarly research in the twenty-first century.
Borgman describes the roles that information technology plays at every stage in the life cycle of a research project and contrasts these new capabilities with the relatively stable system of scholarly communication, which remains based on publishing in journals, books, and conference proceedings. No framework for the impending “data deluge” exists comparable to that for publishing. Analyzing scholarly practices in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, Borgman compares each discipline’s approach to infrastructure issues. In the process, she challenges the many stakeholders in the scholarly infrastructure–scholars, publishers, libraries, funding agencies, and others–to look beyond their own domains to address the interaction of technical, legal, economic, social, political, and disciplinary concerns. Scholarship in the Digital Age will provoke a stimulating conversation among all who depend on a rich and robust scholarly environment.
Posted by
8/25/2008 06:00:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Excel Basics to Blackbelt: An Accelerated Guide to Decision Support Designs
Excel Basics to Blackbelt is intended to serve as an accelerated guide to decision support designs. Its structure is designed to enhance the skills in Excel of those who have never used it for anything but possibly storing phone numbers, enabling them to reach to a level of mastery that will allow them to develop user interfaces and automated applications. To accomplish this, the major theme of the text is “the integration of the basic”; as a result readers will be able to develop decision support tools that are at once highly intuitive from a working-components perspective but also highly significant from the perspective of practical use and distribution. Applications integration discussed includes the use of MS MapPoint, XLStat and RISKOptimizer, as well as how to leverage Excel’s iteration mode, web queries, visual basic code, and interface development. There are ample examples throughout the text.
Posted by
8/25/2008 05:59:00 AM
Labels: Microsoft Office
Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies: Innovations, Methods, and Ethical Issues
In today’s networked societies, a key factor of the social and economic success is the capability to exchange, transfer, and share knowledge. In the wide-ranging area of knowledge management, the issue of knowledge exchange in networked environments emerges in several application fields, and is treated with different approaches.
Building the Knowledge Society on the Internet: Sharing and Exchanging Knowledge in Networked Environments proposes a vast panorama of research on the topic while presenting a variety of viewpoints, approaches, and indications of the shared elements intended as the foundations of an emerging and fascinating multidisciplinary field.
Posted by
8/25/2008 05:58:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Multimedia Forensics and Security
As information technology is rapidly progressing, an enormous amount of media can be easily exchanged through Internet and other communication networks. Increasing amounts of digital image, videodevelopment agendas for researchers, organizations, and governments worldwide., and music have created numerous information security issues and is now taken as one of the top research and
Multimedia Forensics and Security provides an in-depth treatment of advancements in the emerging field of multimedia forensics and security by tackling challenging issues such as digital watermarking for copyright protection, digital fingerprinting for transaction tracking, and digital camera source identification.
Posted by
8/25/2008 05:57:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Hacker Debugging Uncovered (Uncovered series)
Tips for the practical use of debuggers, such as NuMega SoftIce, Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger, and Microsoft Kernel Debugger, with minimum binding to a specific environment are disclosed in this debugger guide. How debuggers operate and how to overcome obstacles and repair debuggers is demonstrated. Programmers will learn how to look at what is inside a computer system, how to reconstruct the operating algorithm of a program distributed without source code, how to modify the program, and how to debug drivers. The use of debugging applications and drivers in Windows and Unix operating systems on Intel Pentium/DEC Alpha-based processors is also detailed.
Posted by
8/25/2008 05:56:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide
Building on the popular Sybex Study Guide approach, this book provides 100overage of the CISSP Body of Knowledge exam objectives. You’ll find:
Clear and concise information on crucial security topics.
Practical examples and insights drawn from real-world experience.
Leading-edge exam preparation softwareelectronic flashcards. , including two full-length 250 bonus exams, as well as
Authoritative coverage of key exam topics, including access control; application security; business continuity and disaster recoverycomplianceenvironmentalnetwork security. ) security; and security architecture and design telecommunications and and investigations; operations security; physical ( planning; cryptography; information security and risk management; legal, regulations,
Posted by
8/25/2008 05:56:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Wireless Data Services: Technologies, Business Models and Global Markets
Despite their phenomenal global growth, wireless technologies have progressed very differently geographically. Diverse technologies (i-mode in Japan, SMS in Europe, PDAs and Blackberry in North America) imply that wireless applications and services are often unique to the culture and business models of a region. Supplemented by examples, case studies and interviews with industry luminaries, Chetan Sharma and Yasuhisa Nakamura identify key factors behind the success or failure of different strategies and provide insights into how to match wireless technology to global markets.
Posted by
8/25/2008 05:54:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Programming Language Pragmatics, Second Edition
Thoroughly updated to reflect the most current developments
*Addresses key developments in programming language design:
+ Finalized C99 standard
+ Java 5
+ C# 2.0
+ Java concurrency package (JSR 166) and comparable mechanisms in C#
+ Java and C# generics
*Introduces and discusses scripting languages throughout the book and in an entire new chapter that covers:
+ Application domains: shell languages, text processing and report generation, mathematics and statistics, glue languages and general purpose scripting, extension languages, scripting the World Wide Web
+ Design concepts: names and scopes, string and pattern manipulation, high level data types, object orientation
+ Major languages: Perl, PHP, Tcl/Tk, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, XLST
*Updates many sections and topics:
+ iterators
+ exceptions
+ polymorphism
+ templates/generics
+ scope rules and declaration ordering
+ separate compilation
+ garbage collection
+ threads and synchronization
New pedagogical features
Design & Implementation boxes
+ Highlight the interplay between language design and language implementation
Test Your Understanding review questions
+ Help students assess their understanding of key points of a section
In More Depth CD
+ Present more advanced or peripheral material for students who would like to extend their knowledge
+ Provide students with additional exercises that are open-ended, research-type activities
New reference features
+ Over 900 numbered and titled examples help the student to quickly cross-reference and access content for initial study and later review.
+ Indices (in the printed text) for both the Design and Implementation boxes and the numbered examples.
+ Live links on the CD to Web-based language tutorials, reference manuals, and compilers and interpreters.
Posted by
8/25/2008 05:54:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Maximum Linux Security (2nd Edition)
Maximum Linux Security: A Hacker’s Guide to Protecting Your Linux Server and Workstation is designed for system administrators, managers, or Linux users who wish to protect their Linux servers and workstations from unauthorized intrusions and other external threats to their systems’ integrity. Written by an experienced hacker–someone who knows which systems are vulnerable and how crackers get into them–this unique guide to Linux security identifies existing and potential security holes and faults, and then describes how to go about fixing them.
As we’ve all become well aware lately, every complex system has flaws. When the complex system is a computer operating system, such as Linux, or a piece of software running under it, those flaws can provide black-hat hackers with the access they need to steal your data, damage your system, or use your computing resources as a base for attacking other computers. Maximum Linux Security reveals securitybook and break into unsecured Linux machines in a variety of ways. The newest edition of this book includes newer information about Linux security exploits and updated links to information and tools. holes in Linux and does so explicitly. You can follow instructions in this
The anonymous author of this book has done a fine job of recognizing that his readers, despite the fact that they’re probably pretty accomplished power users just because they’re messing around with Linux–David Wall, aren’t really experienced with Linux or with computer security. He’s careful to explain his subjects precisely. For example, he goes to considerable effort to explain how to set up user accounts properly (with emphasis on preventing obvious security holes), in addition to documenting offensive and defensive weapons like SAINT and Crack. Most entries on software include URL references to the latest versions, as well as cross-references to related programs.
Topics covered: Good Linux security practice, as well as specific malicious software packages and ways to defend against them.
Posted by
8/25/2008 05:53:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Windows Server 2003 in 24 Hours (Sams Teach Yourself)
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Windows Server 2003 in 24 Hours is a straightforward, step-by-step introduction to Microsoft¿s newest network operating system. This book not only highlights the functions and capabilities of the softwaredomain up and running quickly and easily., but also provides a practical hands-on look at important server features and tools. After reading this book you will have all of the information you need to get a Windows
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8/25/2008 05:52:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Managing Catastrophic Loss of Sensitive Data: A Guide for IT and Security Professionals
Offering a structured approach to handling and recovering from a catastrophic data loss, this book will help both technical and non-technical professionals put effective processes in place to secure their business-critical information and provide a roadmap of the appropriate recovery
*Addresses a very topical subject of great concern to securitymanagement
*Provides a step-by-step approach to managing the consequences of and recovering from the loss of sensitive data.
*Gathers in a single and notification steps when calamity strikes., general IT and business place all information about this critical issue, including legal, public relations and regulatory issues
Summary: Excellent Introduction to the Field of Data Protection
Rating: 5
This is an excellent step-by-step approach for preparing for and recovering from the loss of confidential data held by an organization. It’s especially topical given all the breaches that are occurring, both those that are in the news
I really liked this book. I’m on a team at my company that is managing a project on the protection of clients’ and employees’ Personally Identifiable Information, and the book was extremely useful is making sure I didn’t miss any steps or overlook best practices in the field. Highly recommended. as well as the ones no one hears about. The book is essentially organized in three parts: how to prepare in order to minimize the chances of a breach, what to do when a breach is occurring, and what to do afterwards, such as victim notification and lessons learned. This is much more of a process rather than a technical book, and is more geared to security managers rather than system administrators.
Posted by
8/25/2008 05:51:00 AM
Labels: IT and Networking
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Telephoning in English
By B. Jean Naterop, Rod Revell
Cambridge University Press; 3 edition (August 16, 2004)
ISBN-10: 0521539110
ISBN-13: 978-0521539111
Telephoning in English is for professionals and trainees in business, commerce and administration who need to be able to receive and make telephone calls. It is suitable for use in class or for self-study. Telephoning in English develops and consolidates practical telephone skills in a variety of interesting and relevant contexts. Activities range from message-taking and spelling practice to role play, providing learners with a comprehensive course in using the telephone in English.
Download Telephoning in English
Posted by
8/23/2008 08:01:00 AM
Labels: Study( English)
Computer Power User, September 2008
Utilities of Mass Addiction
CPU's big list of apps that rock.
White Paper: Nvidia GeForce GTX 200 Series
Computing processing power joins graphics power.
Soldering 101
Tips for taming melted metal.
The upgrade of all upgrades.
PDF | 68.2 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:41:00 AM
Labels: Computer Magazine
Microsoft Office Access 2007 On Demand
Author: Steve Johnson
Publisher: Que
Date: January 2007
Pages: 448
For those who would rather be shown how than told how, see how to:
- Create databases more efficiently using a new results-oriented interface
- Use tools for building a database that makes information easier to find and use
- Import data from other programs, HTML, XML files, and other databases
- Use forms, filters, queries, and reports to capture and analyze data
- Discover ways to prevent data corruption and unauthorized access
- Share your data with others through interactive web pages
- Put your newly acquired skills to work using the online workshops
- Organize information and add impact with clip art, SmartArt diagrams, tables, and charts
- Use Groove and SharePoint Team Services to collaborate and share documents and information
- Prepare for the Microsoft Certified Application Specialist (MCAS) exam
This book uses real-world examples to give you a context in which to use the task. It also includes workshops to help you put together individual tasks into projects.
PDF | 18.5 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:39:00 AM
Labels: Microsoft Office
Photoshop CS3 Essential Skills
Author: Mark Galer, Philip Andrews
Publisher: Focal Press
Date: May 2007
Pages: 448
This book is intended for photographers and designers who wish to use the "digital darkroom" rather than the traditional darkroom for creative photographic illustration. The information, activities and assignments contained in this book provide the essential skills necessary for competent and creative image editing.
The study guides contained in this book offer a structured learning approach and an independent learning resource that will give the user a framework for the techniques of digital imaging as well as the essential skills for personal creativity and communication.
PDF | 70.7 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:39:00 AM
Labels: Graphic Design
Videomaker, July 2008
Editing Software Buyer's Guide 2008
Finding the right tool to edit your masterpiece.
VTR Buyer's Guide
Coming of age... video tape decks enter their golden years.
Progressive or Interlace
Choosing your direction.
JVC Everio GZ-MG330, hard drive camcorder.
Canon Vixia HF10, AVCHD SDHC camcorder.
PDF | 12.9 MB
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8/23/2008 07:38:00 AM
Labels: Video and Photography
National Geographic, August 2008
Ancient Soul of Iran
The glories of Persia inspire the modern nation.
Monkey Paradise
The bush-meat trade stalks an African island ark.
Between Volcanoes
Fire and water collide in Japan's largest national park.
Moscow Never Sleeps
When the sun sets, the Russian capital heats up.
Target Earth
A killer asteroid may be headed our way.
PDF | 23.1 MB
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8/23/2008 07:36:00 AM
Labels: Magazine
Photoshop Creative, Issue 13
Creative printing
You have lots of choice when it comes to printing mediums -- here are the best.
Create beautiful chalk images
Turn any photo into a chalk masterpiece with our tutorial.
Generate a wood texture
Create realistic wood textures using filters and the Liquify tool.
Create a water reflection
Add drama to your photos by introducing water and reflections.
Paint like Georgia O'Keefe
A great way to do something wonderful with your flower photos.
PDF | 9.7 MB
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8/23/2008 07:36:00 AM
Labels: Graphic Design
Computer Graphics World, July 2008
Rampant Risk-Taking
Disney/Pixar devises new lighting and photographic tools for the just released CG feature Wall-e.
The Hulk is back, and he is in the best shape of his life, thanks to new CG techniques.
Dimensional Art
Digital technology sparks a renewed interest in holographic art.
Hollywood North
Ontario is growing a digital content creation community, offering many incentives for those willing to set up shop in the area.
PDF | 4.5 MB
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8/23/2008 07:36:00 AM
Labels: Graphic Design
Photoshop Creative, Issue 14
Get started with Photoshop brushes
How to load, adapt, create and use brushes in Photoshop.
Paint like Cézanne
Use the Smudge tool to create still life masterpieces.
Silkscreen effects
Use the Cutout filter to give your photos a silkscreen effect.
Create a stone texture
Use filters to turn a blank document into a realistic rocky texture.
Change colours in photos
Alter the hues of clothes without losing any vital shadow or highlight detail.
Create fireworks
Light up the sky of your night shots by adding some Photoshop fireworks.
Paint from scratch
Get a firm grip on controlling brushes and paint a great landscape to boot!
PDF | 8.5 MB
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8/23/2008 07:35:00 AM
Labels: Graphic Design
Photoshop Creative, Issue 15
Restore your old photos
Scan in your old photos and then make them as good as new in Photoshop.
Paint like Turner
Merge oil and watercolour effects to produce a masterpiece.
Create a cyanotype
Learn how to apply this dramatic effect to your photo compositions.
Playing with fire
Fuel the creative flames with this guide to producing realistic fire effects.
Paint by numbers
Liked issue 11's cover? Now you can see how we created it.
Colour B&W photos
Add stylish colour tints to your old black-and-white photos.
Paint from scratch pt2
See how the dynamic brushes can help you paint realistic trees.
Design a certificate
Reward someone you love by presenting them with a lovely certificate.
PDF | 11.3 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:35:00 AM
Labels: Graphic Design
Photoshop Creative, Issue 16
The art of airbrushing
Learn how to mimic the look of a traditional airbrush with Photoshop.
Create your own resources
Discover what resources you can make and share yourself.
Big Technique: Create your own workspace
Do some housekeeping on your workspace and you'll be surprised how much it helps.
Focus on: Displace filter
This fabulous filter allows you to produce creative works of wonder.
Focus on: Composition
Learn how the rule of thirds can help turn a drab image into something far more enticing.
PDF | 10 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:32:00 AM
Labels: Graphic Design
Reader's Digest, August 2008
Yes, You Can...
Get fit at any age. Sever ordinary folks lead the way.
7 Rip-Off Tip-Offs
Learn who's after your cash -- and how to keep them from getting it.
Normal or Nuts?
Which quirks are merely colorful, and which require professional help? We asked the experts.
The Redemption of Charlie Otero
After his family was murdered, he went from honor student to outlaw. 31 years later, the killer was brought to justice -- and Otero healed himself.
PDF | 22.8 MB
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8/23/2008 07:31:00 AM
Labels: Magazine
PC World, September 2008
Get the Most Out of Your Laptop
Yes, you can upgrade your aging notebook. Read how to replace RAM, the hard drive, the optical drive, the LCD screen, the graphics card, and more. Plus, add some really useful accessories.
Stay in Sync
A Web-based sync service can keep documents updated, accessible from any system, and ready to share with colleagues. We tried five offerings to see which one can best help you wrangle your files.
The Best TV on the Web
Now that broadband service has made streaming video practical, television is suddenly everywhere online. Here's where to find the best programs and video quality.
A Checklist for Desktops
Features you need -- or can skip.
Digital SLR Cameras
New models from Canon and Sony go to the top of the chart.
PDF | 35.6 MB
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8/23/2008 07:30:00 AM
Labels: Computer Magazine
PC Magazine, September 2008
Readers' Choice Awards 2008
12,518 desktops. 6,699 notebooks. 12,850 printers. That's the number of products the readers rated on just the first wave of the annual audience survey. Trust your fellow readers to identify the companies you can rely on to bring quality and ease of use to big-ticket products like PCs and HDTVs, as well as handled phones, media players, ISPs, and more.
Bill Gates: The Exit Interview
Michael J. Miller sits down with Bill Gates to discuss the mark Microsoft has made upon the world, what Gates considers his triumphs and disappointments, and his vision of the future.
Best PCs on Campus
A new school year is upon us, and PC vendors have rolled out their latest desktops and laptops for students.
PDF | 50.9 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:28:00 AM
Labels: Computer Magazine
Photoshop Creative, Issue 17
Create Better Montages
See what tools and techniques will help your montages reach a whole new level.
Paint a Winter Wonderland
Unleash your artistic side by attempting to create our cover image.
Make Your Own Moon!
Use Photoshop to create a lovely moon and add drama to images.
Scan and Colour Line Art
Tracing a photo is an excellent way of creating Photoshop illustrations.
Grayscale Solarization
Achieve haunting and powerful effects with this technique.
PDF | 8.5 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:23:00 AM
Labels: Graphic Design
Popular Photography, September 2008
The Great New Step-Up Lens
What to look for when you're ready to move beyond the kit zoom that came with your DSLR.
Ugly Made Beautiful
Embracing the trash other people throw out, three photographers show how the worst subjects can make the best pictures.
Top Buys 2008
23 great cameras, lenses, and accessories that won't cost your bottom dollar.
Nikon D700 -- The Next Super DSLR
You'll love what's inside this midlevel DSLR: a full-frame 12.1MP sensor, 51-point AF, and more.
Canon EOS Rebel XS
Canon's most affordable DSLR, the newest Rebel rides the trends and raises big expectations.
PDF | 39.9 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:13:00 AM
Labels: Magazine, Video and Photography
Taste of Home, August/September 2008
This Issue's Contest: Flavors of Italy
Plus more great recipes on handy cards.
Meal in Minutes
Croissants and salad ready in a jiffy.
Lovely Lavender
Its sweet flavor accents desserts.
Mom's Best Meal
Mmmm... meat loaf and raspberry pie!
Just Desserts
Snack cakes for picnics and lunch boxes.
Appetizers & Snacks
Party-perfect finger foods.
Healthy Choices
Pasta, focaccia, salad and pie.
Cooks Who Care
Feeding families staying at "Ronald's".
PDF | 8.3 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:11:00 AM
Reader's Digest, September 2008
Our 50 Funniest (True!) Stories
Gaffes! Retorts! Idiocy! Genius! The most hysterical tales we've ever published.
Four Ways of Looking at a Hat
From haute couture to high tech, headwear from around the world.
Take as Directed
Nearly 30% of us stop taking our medicines before we should. Why playing doctor can be dangerous.
Rebuilding New Orleans
3 years after Katrina, die-hard citizens like these 7 are bringing the city back to life.
Quick Study
What a weak dollar mean for you?
Who's Best for Our Future?
Exclusive interviews with Barack Obama and John McCain.
PDF | 23.6 MB
Posted by
8/23/2008 07:10:00 AM
Labels: Magazines
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing CCNA 3 Companion Guide (Cisco Networking Academy) (Companion Guide)
The completely revised and only authorized textbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 3 curriculum
A portable reference that fully supports the topics covered in the Networking Academy CCNA 3 curriculum and aligns 1:1 with course modules
Features enhanced readability through improved word usage, sentence structure, concise descriptions, real-world examples, and graphical presentations
Written by well-respected CCNA instructor who brings real classroom experience to material
Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing CCNA 3 Companion Guide is the official supplemental textbook for the CCNA 3 course of the Cisco Networking Academy Program. Completely revised from the previous edition with new examples and explanations, this textbook includes original material developed by the author, yet it fully aligns with the CCNA 3 curriculum. Written by an experienced instructor and author who presents material in a comprehensive manner–using his own voice and examples–this new edition augments student understanding of course material. The new edition incorporates improved features to aid instructors and enhance student comprehension. For example, chapters align with course modules in both name and number, and chapter objectives are stated as questions to encourage students to think about and find answers as they read chapters. End-of-chapter questions and summaries align with chapter objectives to emphasize key topics, while key terms are listed in each chapter opener in the order of occurrence to alert students to upcoming vocabulary words. In addition, new features include “How To” quick references for step-by-step tasks; real-world examples and all-new illustrations; concise explanations with a focus on word usage and sentence structure for improved readability; and correlations to the CCNA exam in Chapter Objectives and Check Your Understanding questions.
Posted by
8/06/2008 03:39:00 PM
Labels: IT Certification